Although I received no comments on my initial post (it was only an hour ago) I am sure that many people were subconsciously concerned about whether Winston was, in fact, a pug or whether we had been conned into purchasing a rat. Two weeks after choosing him the breeder was kind enough to send us pictures of our "chunky monkey" to prove that he was developing into a pug. He has grown... A LOT!

Notice the slightly annoyed look at having been interrupted during one of his twelve hour naps, this is clearly indicative of a pug.

As is the adorable puppy face and floppy little ears.

Side View: we're told that his tail will soon begin to curl, otherwise he appears to be a fast growing pug puppy that almost certainly loves to eat (judging from his fast growth). I don't know whether to be concerned about his seeming inability to focus his eyes in one direction, I'm hoping this will go away and the poor guy does not have a lazy eye. We are going to visit him tomorrow and will post what he looks like at five weeks!
He's the cutest baby pug in the whole world!
I agree, he is the cutest pug puppy in the world
He looks delicious. I will cook him for dinner.
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