Monday, August 27, 2007

An Unfortunate Loss
This weekend I was sleeping on the back of the couch during my standard six-week summer vacation when the dog-o-phone rang. It was my closest advisor, Alberto Gonzales the Ducky, informing me that the private sector had been beckoning him for some time and he now felt it was the proper time to make a change. This perplexed me because 1) I was unaware that there was a private sector for stuffed toys, and 2) because I had always assumed that when my world domination plans came to fruition that Alberto would be there to guide me for many years. I want to now dispel the rumors that his resignation is in any way related to his testimony before the PIA review into the attempted dogpark assassination (which was actually benevolent intervention). I now state it categorically: Alberto's perjury had nothing to do with his resignation.

This is a file photo of Alberto. Clearly he looks tired and haggard.

But no mater what, I will always love Alberto and remember the long nights that we spent snuggling closely to one another on the couch.
Snarf everydog later,
/s/ Winston, Grand Duke of Pugsworth


Clover said...

Hi Winston,
Sorry to hear about Alberto's resignation. I can see from his file photo that he is tired and haggard. Maybe you will be able to keep in touch over the phone or something.
By the way, I love the pictures from your last post. What a super cute puggy baby. And you still look great, even with the bad eye. Thinking warm and happy thoughts for you and sending pug puppy kisses.
Love Clover xo

Jen and Suki said...

Does this mean that Alberto is immune from any further pawsecution?
-Suki Sumo

Oscar said...

Isn't it a shame that what you look to most for guidance often leaves you behind to figure things out for yourself. Whatever shall you do?

Michelle said...

We all knew Alberto was spineless just like you said. Oh well, who wants a lame duck as an advisor anyway? I suggest you find a replacement -- maybe one who shoots old men in the face while trying to shoot AT ducks.

Jessica said...

Oh we love the stories of favorite toys. That is too cute!!

Love, Seadra and Zoe