My Auntie is 28 today, so allow me to say happy birthday! She is a closet pug person, unwilling to admit she wants a little guy just like me. I decided to post some cute pictures of me in order to spur her to buy a "good" (snot filled and hairy) birthday present. In other news, I have learned that I have been selected as "Cool Dog Site of the Day" for March 13. I hope I am not bursting any bubbles by making an early announcement, but I was so excited!!!
Snarf everyone later,
/s/ Winston, Grand Duke of Pugsworth
Dear Winston,
Thank you so much for my b-day wishes. You have definately made me think about lack of pug status...Have a great day!!
Winston you are getting to big -- look at those long legs! No more puppy days for you.
Yay Winston
Congrats on the Cool Dog site of the day!!
Happy belated to winston's aunt and winston gordy or gorby is so cute
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