Pug MeetupI went to a pug meetup before I got sick and had lots of good times. It looks like I am out of commission until all symptoms of my cold have been gone for 5-6 days. I did good today, so assuming I don't cough up a lung tonight, next week's pug meetup is still a possibility.

Apparently pugs don't understand that the command "sit" doesn't
always mean that a treat is involved.

This is me, being as cute as ever.

This is Wonton. My parents saw a picture of him with similar marking paint on his head so they suspect he may come from the same breeder, but they forgot to ask. We'll check next time, but I don't think he's nearly as cute as me...also, he acts like a lunatic.

This is Buddy. His manhood has not been taken away because he may be studded. As a result, he was humping everything is sight. I miss my manhood.

This is my Daddy hiding behind Otis. What's the big deal? I still think I'm cuter than him.

This is just a random pug that my Daddy took a picture of after he snatched the camera from me without permission. I'm definately cuter than this one.

I am cuter than this one also.

This is Goliath... like I said before, he really hated my Daddy. His peeps said Daddy looks like his vet.

...and this is Goliath running away from my Daddy.

This is Otis vicously attacking me. I think Daddy was encouraging him. Regardless, this little guy has no class.

This is me, Otis, and another pug investigating each other.

That is me in the middle getting triple teamed. I swear, don't any pugs besides me have any manners!

This is just a cool action shot a handful of us puggies. I am feeling much better, as the days go on my parents stop worrying about me and start complaining that I am harrassing them again.
Snarf everyone later,
/s/ Winston, Grand Duke of Pugsworth