My fun weekend:I had a blast this weekend! I slept a lot, I played a lot, and I watched the spawns of Satan (otherwise known as the New England Patriots) go down in flames after coming so close (that makes their loss all the more sweet). [
Parent's note: so young yet so bitter...we have no idea why.] The only bummer was that my commando attempt to break
Duke and Gidget out of Doggy Haven failed and they will have to spend the next week there until their parents come home from vacation. Anyways, here are some cute pictures of me.

This weekend I spent most of my time lounging around on my bed (notice my face, I'm hiding from the camera).

I also got acquainted with my old best friend's blue twin brother!!
[Parent's Note: Remember Winston's very first BFF, the football wiener dog? Well Winston destroyed that long ago, and we finally got around to buying him a new one. It's like they were never apart! Also, we fixed the old weinerdog and Winston destroyed it again in a day.]
AND, I went to a pug meetup. We had been there about 1 second before my Daddy abandoned me for this little thing that he kept calling "Otis". Otis was a 12 week old puglet, weighing in at a whopin' 7 pounds. I was never that small.
[Parent's note: we finally understand why everyone was initially so goo-goo over Winston. He was just over half that size when we first got him.]
Daddy also kept saying something about "love at first sight" and something about wanting to trade...

I finally got to sniff this "Otis" and see what it was all about...I didn't see what the big deal was.

Daddy also fell in love with this little guy named Wonton, he's four months old and quite a bit smaller than me.

Here Otis (Left, on the lap) and Wonton (right, also on the lap) were getting to know each other, while I ran around Otis' Mommy, confused because she wasn't giving me any attention. Normally when people sit on the floor at the pug meetups, I get all the attention!

Here I am with Otis and some other pugs. That's me in the harness, Otis is the little guy.

And here are some other pugs, but I am not even in this picture! I have no idea why my Daddy took this picture! I have no idea how he snuck it onto my blog! Traitor!

This is my good friend Oliver. He is one month younger than me. We met at the dog park, and then his Mommy decided to take him to the pug meetup. At first Oliver's Mommy was worried that Oliver played too rough with me, but my Daddy assured her that I am just a wuss and that Oliver's spunk would be good for me. I have to admit, I did have a lot of fun wrestling with Oliver after that! I must say that Oliver has a dignified look here, like he has the weight of the pug world upon, or maybe he's just bummed that he's not playing.

Oliver's Mommy made the mistake of getting out treats at the pug meetup and saying the magic word - "sit". Oliver and I wasted no time (that's me on the left, Oliver is on the right).

A third pug came over to get a treat...we all had to keep waiting and waiting while my Daddy took pictures of us all sitting. Notice two things about this picture: (1) I am the only good dog; (2) Oliver is falling for a trick I haven't fallen for since I was about 8 weeks old: my Mommy was only pretending to have a treat, to get us dogs to sit so Daddy could take pictures. Oliver's Mommy is the one with the real treats. Here, Oliver is jumping up on my Mommy's legs and licking her empty hand while I am still focused on Oliver's Mommy and the real treats. I am the only good dog, AND the only smart dog.

Otis quickly ran out of energy. I have to admit the little thing is kind of cute...

Um, okay, so this is the same picture; even Grand Dukes like me make mistakes. The problem is that blogspot sucks - if I erase just this one picture, the entire post will go away. So you all will just have to enjoy double Otis.

Here is a group photo. I am on the end (my Mommy has a white coat and is kneeling on the bottom left), with my tongue hanging out.
Snarf everyone later,
/s/ Winston, Grand Duke of Pugsworth