Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
My parents really enjoy this holiday, but I am not so crazy about it. Last year I placed in both the contests I was in. No prizes this year. My parents attibute this to me no longer being a puppy, me being kind of ugly, and a massive conspiracy. Lastly, my Seattle Times Dog Photo Contest ends on Tuesday, so get those last minute votes in for me!!!! Remember to vote for the bubble ABOVE my head, I do not want to have a redux of the Butterfly ballot.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Faithful PIA member Suki Sumo pointed out this abomination. Somewhere out there is a pug who cavorted, most likely KNOWINGLY, with the Pug's sworn enemy and created a Pug/Jack Russell Terrier mix. This pug and its offspring must be found so that they can be isolated and prevented from spreading.
The Dog is described as being about 8 weeks old and roughly five pounds. Her human mother, when informed of the abomination that she had adopted, agreed to turn Abbey over to PIA but alas, Abbey had flown the coop. Her mother gives the following description of her personality: "Abbey is very precious and loves getting attention. She loves to get a hold of pants legs and play tug o' war. She has so much energy, she can run around in circles in the yard and play all night long. But when she gets tired, she likes to cuddle up and go to sleep. She has one of the best personalities, and everyone that sees her loves her." The mother has now recanted the bit about her "best personality" and everyone loving her, admitting that people were always a bit taken aback and frightened of such a monstrosity. Additionally, the human mother believes that the constant tugging on her pants leg may have actually been incidents of attempted murder. Anyone who sees this beast or recognizes the aforementioned behavior should notify PIA immediately. Do not attempt to approach Abbey, as she is currently teething and several razor sharp baby teeth have already come in.
Vigilance my friends!!!
/s/Winston, Grand Duke of Pugsworth
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
I am normally pretty good at defending myself from the tyrannical machinations of my abusive parents...but not on doggy daycare days. On these days I spend long periods of time defending myself from ruthless yorkies, pugs, and pomeranians; so it is understandable that I lack the power when I get home to fight my parents. They use this weakness to their own advantage to amuse themselves.

Sunday, October 21, 2007
My Daddy says that I am really obnoxious, so I had better be glad that I am so cute or else I would be looking for a new home by now. Mommy tells him to shut up and reminds him that he will be out on the street long before I ever am. That is what I call "job security."

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
First, as head of PALBWAATHRODCBWDTPTHHWPQ recruiting, I am proud to announce the induction of two new members of the secret police. Second, I would like to welcome Francis Ford Pug to the blogging community and I hope that there will be many updates to entertain us masses. Lastly, at the risk of sounding like a broken record... vote for me once a day between now and Oct. 30 at: so that I can be in a fashion show!!!

This is Private First Class RolloTamasi, he will lead (by example) the first lines of the cannon fodder brigade for he is 100 lbs of stupid in a 40 lb pug body...he also loves poop because it is so tasty.
Snarf everydog later,
/s/ Winston, Grand Duke of Pugsworth
Sunday, October 14, 2007
First of all, make sure to vote for me at:
You can vote for me once a day, so please keep voting everyday until October 30. Now, I have decided to give an update on my growth over the past year.
This is me yesterday on the left, and that is me last year on the right in the same Moose outfit. See how it use to fall off of me and now it is almost too small, it is amazing how much I have grown.
Last year, the head was so big and heavy I could hardly balance!

That is me yesterday with my policeman's hat on, and that is me last year with the entire uniform. That was back when I used to walk a beat in the uniform division of PIA.
These are my jamis yesterday (left) and a year ago. My parents say that I look very "pug" now, whatever that means.
Friday, October 12, 2007
As the newly elected Chairman of the Central Directorate of PALBWAATHRODCBWDTPTHHWPQ (Pugs Against Lazy Bloggers Who Adversely Affect The Honorable Reputation Of Dedicated Canine Bloggers Who Do Their Part To Help Humans' Workdays Pass Quickly), it is my duty to formulate policies and procedures for the smooth running of the group. This is not a dictatorship, but as members, what I say goes. That might sound like a dictatorship to you, but I assure you it is not. See - whatever I say goes, and since I say this is not a dictatorship, then it is not. Members are free to propose potential policies to me at any time for inclusion in the official PALBWAATHRODCBWDTPTHHWPQ handbook.Here are the first 5 policies for membership into the PALBWAATHRODCBWDTPTHHWPQ Group.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Great news!! I am a semifinalist on this online contest. I put a picture of me working on my blog and the runners of the contest agreed that I AM ADORABLE!! Please vote for me! As if you needed more incentive, everyone who votes is entered in a contest for a $100 gift certificate for something dog related. To vote for me click:
and select the bubble ABOVE my picture (I am the second one with a pen in my mouth). I promise to share my glory with everyone!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!
Snarf Everydog later,
/s/ Winston, Grand Duke of Pugsworth
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Great news everydog!!! I have now gone to the dogpark for the first times since the Jack Russell Terrier initiated assasination attempt, and I have done outstanding. My parents, however, say that my required rest left me lazy and my recovery time after trips to the dogparks is longer than it use to be (I am also a slower runner than I used to be). The rainy season has started here in Seattle and will last until about next July, so I rested this weekend.

Snarf Everydog later,