Wednesday, April 16, 2008

More Cosette!
My Mommy bribed me into putting up a new picture of the stray by performing emergency surgery on my number one BFF, my strawberry. I was worried this would be one too many surgeries on the strawberry, but it came out looking like new (almost). So anyway, here she is.

Only TWO WEEKS from this Saturday until Cosette comes home.

Here I am at that age. Looks like Cosette may be a little bit more energetic than I am.
Snarf Everydog Later,
/s/ Winston, Grand Duke of Pugsworth


Nevis said...

Cosette is adorable. She is a fitting mate for your grand dukeness.

Unknown said...

Winston, you are going to have your very own Clementine! W&C, W&C! Winston thinks you are a lucky man to get your woman at such an early age - so much easier to manipulate. When he got Clementine, she was already set in her ways and much much too demanding!

Michelle said...

only 2 weeks left of you being the spoiled only pug child. We are so excited for Cosette's arrival.

Nevis said...

I just wanted to comment that it cracks me up that Coss looks like she's ready to spring into attack pug pose - at any moment. Where as Winston looks like he just farted.