Wednesday, April 02, 2008

More Abuse
My parents have always been disappointed that I do not like to wear clothes, but they still get a kick out of me pouting whenever they dress. They put this shirt on me thinking that it was really funny.

The shirt has what they call "breathing room."

I must say that, while dressing a pug is offensive, I cannot argue with this shirt's message.

That does not mean that I will not try to squirm my way out of it.

This was me wearing another shirt with a very apt message. I was noticably smaller in this picture.

I am not impressed with these antics. This is my pouty face. This post was supposed to be posted yesterday, but Daddy messed up. I sincerely apologize and hope that my loyal viewers are not angry at me.
/s/ Winston, Grand Duke of Pugsworth


Frances Louise said...

You have a masterful pouty face! I feel that Daddy's are not to be trusted . . . Mommy's are much more responsible.

Goodboy Norman Featherstone said...

How much abuse can you endure Winston? You poor guy. They're going to wake up one day and find you have run away!

Nevis said...

Frances is correct. Your pouty face is wicked masterful.

And I ADORE your "obey the pug" tshirt. I wish Napoleon had one of those!

And Winston - when is the stray arriving for good? Must have more pictures!!!

Anonymous said...


You need to keep your humans in-line. Clearly you have been to lenient with them in the recent pass. The lax in your father's posting, adopting a stray, hijacking your blog and threatening to withhold well earned treats from you is a clear indication that you are using to gentle a touch on them.

Start Cracking Down.

The Snick said...

You might want to take it easy on your Daddy, Winston. After all, unless I am mistaken, he gave you the glorious nom-de-pug by which you are known and loved.