Mommy works for a Judge and it was his turn to revoke people's probation for failing to pay court ordered restitution (whatever that means). This conversation REALLY happened:
Judge: Is there any reason you can think of that I should not send you to jail today? (probably rhetorical).
Idiot: I have a dog...[long pause]...and some kids.
The Judge is a dog person, so this appeal was actually a good, if ultimately unsuccessful one. But really, who can not be concerned about the well-being of an adorable animal with a face like this below.
Snarf everydoggy later,
/s/ Winston, Grand Duke of Pugsworth
PS- Daddy did not understand what was so funny and thought the idiot had raised a valid point. Mommy says that idiots think alike.
I think it's funny how he mentions the dog BEFORE the kids!
Oh ya, I've got some kids too.
JEEZ! People should need to get licenses before having children.
OMG! That is hilarious!
Haha! I agree with Christine! That's hilarious.
We hate to agree with your Daddy, but we're gonna have to. It seems like a totally valid point to us too.
~Pug Hugs~
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