The Cosette Colbert ReportWelcome to another edition of the Cosette Colbert Report.

This week I decided to do a meme that has been going around; the
google "...needs" meme. This is a perfect meme for me to do without Winston, because a few other
Winstons have done this meme so he would have nothing new to offer.
1. Cosette needs a new wool skirt for winter. That is very true, this dress is getting old and obviously it is a summer dress that just will not work when the weather gets colder.
2. Cosette needs to be more proactive. Here I am telling Winston 'you will obey my
3. Cosette needs work. Obviously, I am very bored with my life and need something to challenge me
4. Cosette needs a protector. Here, Winston watches over me.
Awww, I do love my big brother, I can't lie.
5. Cosette needs to be clonked on the head. What, just because I stole Winston's favorite toy and Daddy's shoe??
6. Cosette needs a little bath. Sure, I love baths! [Parents' Note: Seriously, Cosette LOVES baths. She jumps into the bath tub every time she gets a chance]
7. Cosette needs a kitten. No kittens, but I would love more squirrels!
[Parents' Note: we saved the best for last. This was actually one of the things that came up on google]
8. Cosette needs a pug dog wearing a red scarf. Mommy says this means we will have to get Winston a red scarf. Daddy says we need to get me a new pug and get the new pug a red scarf.
Here's lookin' at you with two eyes,
/s/ Cosette Colbert D'Bonapug
Cossette, you are way too cute for your own good. I would like to pugnap you and trade your parents one of my kids (if i had any) :-)
Cosette, you are freakin' adorable! Winston, keep up the good work. I love Big Brother too, and while he takes good care of me, I can get pretty exasperating also. Trust me, though-- we appreciate it!
Cossette, you are sooo adorable. I paritucuarlly liked the photo of her lying "PUG-RUG" style on the grass. I love it when my pugs do that. It's so adorable!
hahaha - those are great, especially the last one!
Haha I am sure your mommy wants to wait a bit before they get a new pug dog with a red scarf. Although I think you would look marvelous in a red scarf!
Wait, wait, wait, is your tag line about looking at us with two eyes an indirect shot at Winston?
It is definitely a shot at Winston, although I didn't think it was very indirect.
Cossette, you are too funny and ADORABLE! I love the picture of you in the bath!
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