Oldies but GoodiesI am very loyal to all of my toys. Some of my favorite
BFFs today are toys that were here for me on the first day I came to my forever home. Like my strawberry, and Alberto Gonzalez the original; two toys my loyal reader has heard about a lot.

My Parents used to have this comforter. As you can see, I was very comfortable lying around and sleeping on it. It was also like a toy to me. I spent many enjoyable evenings chewing holes in it, like I do with my other toys. Then one day, for reasons I do not know, my parents brought home a new comforter. They threw this old one on the floor while they were putting the new one on the bed, and I immediately started nesting in the old comforter on the floor, and made a bed out of it. My Parents thought I looked too cute to take the comforter away from me, so for several weeks I got to lay on the old comforter on the floor, and I got to keep on digging in it and chewing holes in it to my hearts content. Then today my Mommy took the old comforter away. I was very concerned, of course, because I never enjoy losing a toy.

Then, tonight, my Mommy gave this tiny little blanket. After a few sniffs, I realized it was the old comforter, only it shrunk!

I was okay with it being smaller, because it still smells the same and is still just as comfortable to lay on, and even better now I can drag it all over the house.

So that's what I did all night - ran around the house dragging my new blanket with me.

Here is another toy that was here waiting for me on my first day home. Back then, it was almost as big as me!

Now I am a little bit bigger, but that is the same cow, and it is still one of my favorite

I sure do love my toys!
Snarf Everydog later,
/s/ Winston, Grand Duke of Pugsworth