In retrospect, perhaps the Stray has had a few too many pictures on my blog.
Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo Books
/s/ Winston, Grand Duke of Pugsworth
PS- I have also decided to accept questions from my audience. These can range from the simple, such as "Is it true that pug poo smells sweet?" to the more complex like "what is the progress of the on-going Pug/Jack Russell Terrier peace talks." I also encourage Dorthy Dixers, such as "Would the right honorable gentleman agree with me that beloved Cubs are having a wonderful season, and that it is outrageous that their quest to their rightful World Series title is most likely to be thwarted, if at all, by those personifications of pure evil: the St. Louis Cardinals and the Boston Red Sox (although the Cardinals get some credit for playing real baseball)?" [Parents' note: Winston's Daddy did not get to see Prime Ministers question time and is currently in withdrawal.]
I agree that there are too many photos of the stray on your website. She should really get her own site if she wants to be seen that badly. Question - do your People ever blame their farts on you?? If so, what do you do in retaliation?? know Winston, if we didn't know any better we'd say that you not only like the stray but that you LOVE her.
Just saying.
Questions: How do you say hello to people? What's the naughiest thing you've ever done? If you had a time travel machine where would you visit and why?
Hi Winston! The stray is getting BIG!
Our questions are: Do you and the stray (aka- Cossette) have a particular namesake(s)? Winston and Clementine are named after the Churchills, are you guys named after anyone special?
I agree with you and Norman. There are too many photos of the stray on your website! *laugh*
Question: What's your favorite "human food" snack?
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