My Daddy has come back to Seattle safe and sound. He claims to have going to a place called Deecee of his own volition; but PIA has reliable information that he was actually kidnapped by Jack Russell Terriers and subjected to extreme interrogation techniques, which consisted of being forced to watch "America's Next Top Model." This is a gross violation of the basic laws of human decency and PIA has filed a grievance. I am somewhat concerned that he may have been brainwashed and that there is now a spy within the PIA inner-sactum.
Snarf everydog later,
/s/ Winston, Grand Duke of Pugsworth
I would keep an eye on him. Those jack russelss are sneaky. You never know if they got to him or not.
Woo-hoo! You should definitely get to have a beer after being subject to America's Top Model!
Welcome home Daddy . . . at least, I think it's your Daddy (if they didn't clone him in D.C. and sent home a Doppleganger). . .
Oh no, this is worrisome. It's great that your dad is back... but I hope he wasn't kidnapped by Jack Russell Terriers.
Love Clover xo
P.S. I saw in an older post your video of you inside a little exercise pen. Mom and dad were thinking of getting one for me, so I can stay in it instead of in my crate when they are at work. What do you think of yours?
Thanks for the response, Winston! Cool, it's called a corral! That is the kind mom and dad were looking at, that hooks up to the crate. My parents want to give me more space too, but not give me a lot of space to get into trouble or get hurt...or eat something bad, etc.
I think it is about 3 feet tall. But dad is worried that I might try to jump out?
Love Clover xo
Me again! Haha...thanks for the tips!! Awesome!
Love Clover xo
Glad your Dad is back home safe and sound.
Love, Seadra and Zoe
Watch out, those Jack Russels can really JUMP too. Glad your dad made it home safe.
yay! We are glad he is back. Watching the Tyra Banks show is even worse than ANTM if you can believe that.
Call my mom indecent, but there is something so terrificly horrifying about watching Tyra Banks' forehead every season on ANTM. She just can't get enough of it.
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