Daddy got Mommy a new pug, his name is the Baron von Lichtenstein. Me and the Stray really like him .... or would really like to eat him at any rate. Due to this factor, it looks like the little guy will be living at Mommy's work. Oh well, too bad it was not so easy to run the Stray off.
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/s/ Winston, the Grand Duke of Pugsworth
Ah yes, two young grasshoppers take very different routes and reach same place. Winston, it looks like your strength is back and you are up to some shenanigans, which is great.
Oh Winston, you guys are so funny! You obviously had a better tactic to reach the Baron.... but it's too bad you are a bit too short.
Love Clover xo
P.S. Don't listen to your parents! You are definitely the cuter of the 2 fawn pugs in your house.
OMG, hilarious. And which pug is making the whining noises? Napoleon makes that exact noise, except a little louder. Oy! It can get on your nerves! I love the little bugger but if I don't give him enough attention he will continue to make that whiney noise!!
winston, i admire your direct approach. the stray is quite pitiful in her under the table, crying attempt...ut she is awfully cute.
What a little whiner the stray is! You's a better man than me to put up with such noise!
Um... but when you gonna grow your fur back? You needs some doggie rogaine???
From one great Winston to another..... you are absolutely as handsome as I am. Feel free to check out my blog.
Hey guuuuys! The human with the computer bought a puggy too! A few months back! Same brand ... "Aurora"... Look!
Everytime I have a chance I bite it! Hihihih!
You two are so funny! =))
Winston, I'm so sorry you had such a bad health scare. You must have been very brave throughout it, and I hope you are much, much better now. Your poor Mom and Dad sure must have been worried.
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