Cosette Colbert ReportWelcome to the newest edition of the Cosette Colbert Report, also entitled "how Winston nearly ruined everything but then made up for it with a cake." As everyone knows my parents love me more than my brother, so every once in a while he pretends like he is going to die in a desperate attempt to get attention. He did that this past week. First was diarreah, so out came an antibiotic called mertronidazal to try to combat it. Then two days later Winston started acting really weird, going spastic and constantly running around for about 18 hours or more straight. Then it started looking like he could not control his legs, so off to the emergency room twice, the regular vet once, and a full panel of bloodwork told us...nothing!!! Winston was clearly miserable, unable to lay down and started falling asleep standing up. My parents then got an emergency referral to a doggie neurologist and this emergency visit became an overnight visit while more tests were done. Another panel of blood work, an MRI and a spinal tap failed to reveal anything. This was actually good because the neurologist seemed to expect to see something (my parents think he expected brain swelling or cancer), but once this was clean the vet began to suspect an acute metronidazal toxicity reaction. This happens in a small number of dogs, i.e. Winston. In the end, Winston started getting better as soon as he was taken off the antibiotic, and the spinal tap results were also clean, thereby ruling out ecephalitis. So after what my parents call an emotionally and physically draining week (Winston did not sleep much), all is well again.

I did not end up quite empty handed from this horrible affair, but more on that later.

This is the bald patch from where they took the spinal fluid for Winston's spinal tap.

A close up. Mommy and Daddy have been giving him extra attention for the past week, so his evil plan appears to have worked.

When he finally started acting like his old self again and all the test results had come back negative, Daddy got Winston a cake to celebrate.

I got to share the cake because I was such a good little sister while Winston was feeling bad - I only bothered him a little bit and I tried to sneak him some of my food when he was on his rice and chicken diet.

We enjoyed the cake very much.

The best news is that there is still some cake left over!!! And yes, this is a special hypo-allergenic dog cake that is perfectly safe for us puggies to consume.
Here's lookin' at your with both eyes,
Cosette Colber d'Bonapug
PS- the whole affair cost my parents $3,000 in vet bills, which they say is totally worth it for peace of mind and to get Winston better, but I also hear Daddy mumbling about how that is more than two sets of the golf clubs he's wanted for so long. Nonetheless, he seems happy.