Pug Meetup I want to note that I recently posted my 200th post a few weeks ago, and I wish to thank all my loyal fans. Without your views and wonderful comments I would have quit long ago. Now that I am fully recovered from kennel cough (it took a week and a half of hacking to get over it) my Parents are requiring me to go play again; therefore I was forced to make an appearance at the pug meetup. I met Santie Claus but Mommy thinks that I am contractually forbidden from posting the picture due to some pesky licensing agreement.

This is me in my Puppia and festive Christmas collar.

This is a little energetic pug named Peanut that I played tug-o-war with for a while. Despite being half my size she whooped me.

This is my old friend buddy. When I first met him he was a little four pound pup. He is now a 29 pound monster. His parents still love him.

This is a Shar-Pug (Sharpei/pug mix). I forget what her name was.

This is the undisputed stud of the hour...Winston the One-eyed Pug. I honestly believe that my different colored eyes make me look dignified.
This is me tired and sleeping on Mommy's lap (my standard position from Friday to Sunday night).

Falling asleep.....................

And finally out cold for a mid-morning nap.
Snarf everydog later,
/s/ Winston, Grand Duke of Pugsworth
I am so jealous of you Winston.
any dog named Peanut is good. We like your different colored eyes in the picture. Makes you look mysterious. :)
Great pictures, Winston! Of course, you are the best looking one...
Love Clover xo
Oh, we love those sleepy puggy pictures!! Looks like you had a wonderful time at the pug meet up.
Love, Seadra and Zoe
That Shar-Pug is really an interesting (weird looking) dog. You on the other hand are one dignified, handsome, witty and studly Pug.
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