Now that Ayatollah Mugsy has tended to my spiritual well-being, I believe that this pug can teach me to be subtle and cunning so that I may take on covert missions for Puglife Ministries.
The Grand Duke
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
A Potential New Teacher
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
I was told by my Parents that this lousy weather should not occur in Seattle. I hate this!!! This stuff...they call it snow, is cold and wet and interferes with my willingness to go potty outside. How long until spring??? But there is good news: The Great and Most Revered Ayatollah Mugsy has accepted me into his Puglife Ministries. My secret mission is to convert the infidels and to bring the always rebellious Jack Russell Terrier species to heel (no pun intended) so that they will bow down to their pug overlords; but don't tell I said, it's a secret. First I intend to nap. PS- Doggy Daycare went fine, although I preferred to play with the people as opposed to the other dogs.

Snarf everyone later,
/s/ Winston, Grand Duke of Pugsworth
Sunday, November 26, 2006
My Mommy turns a ripe old 25 on Monday and I think that this momentous occasion calls for a retrospective look back (I'm too young to know if "retrospective look back" is redundant).

Here I am at 2 weeks old. Mommy is about 1278 weeks in this picture.
This is the two of us two weeks later (4 weeks and 1280 respectively).
This is me taking my first potty in front of my parents at 4 weeks. Mommy had no idea how many times she would see this.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY!!! Don't forget to check the new post below from earlier today.
Snarf everyone later,
/s/ Winston, Grand Duke of Pugsworth
This week I experienced my first "Thanksgiving". My parents kept telling me it was my first Thanksgiving anyway, but I'm not sure what that is. My Mommy and Daddy were both cooking in the kitchen, which meant I got to eat TONS of crumbs that they dropped. I ate so many crumbs that I threw up FOUR times! I also got to go visit some new people - I played with a tiny person, a huge dog, and two cats. On the down side...rumors persist that I will soon be indicted as a serial toy killer, apparently my grand jury testimony went badly; but I learned something: If you are going to deny killing stuffed toys, don't testify with pet stuffing coming out of your mouth. I plan a vigorous defense and will point out that it is not a crime to eat a stuffed animal that already committed suicide. We'll see how that goes.
I also got this awesome new toy in the mail from my Aunt Lynn! I was very proud of my newest kill, and showed it off for the camera. I really like the way that the buffalo hoof covers my eye and makes me look like a pirate with an eye patch.
This is my Aunt Lynn. She was one of the very first people to visit me, so you might notice that I have put on a few pounds since this picture. I was about 8 weeks old here (and 4.5 pounds). As you can see, I love my Aunt Lynn - she got lots of kisses during this visit.
I also got a few kisses too. My Daddy says Aunt Lynn saw me back when I was still cute, and that's why she likes me.
So here I am enjoying my new Buffalo toy.
Look Mommy! I got another kill!
Also this week, I lost my first tooth! [Parents' note: first lost tooth that we know of. Winston also lost another tooth later the same night which he swallowed before we could get it, so he could've lost several teeth before this one.]
I think I'm still very cute and, judging by the amount of bad things I get away with, my parents think so too!
Snarf everyone later,
/s/ Winston, Grand Duke of Pugsworth
PS- I'm really nervous because tomorrow I start doggy daycare, which Mommy and Daddy say is like going to a dogpark for 12 hours straight...but without their feet to hide under.
Monday, November 20, 2006
This weekend I had lots of fun going to a pug meetup, the dogpark, and as always I find ways to entertain myself around the house.

/s/ Winston, Grand Duke of Pugsworth
Friday, November 17, 2006
I used to be shy at the dog park, and I only liked to play with the people but not the other dogs, and I liked to stand under Mommy's feet. She kept telling me to "go play!" but lots of other dogs would run and bark and jump at me, so I got nervous. But today, I made a new friend Oliver and I played like crazy at the dog park and I had so much fun!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006
My Mommy is mad at me because I discovered a fun new involves grabbing (with my teeth) some cool paper in the bathroom and running all over the house. The paper is awesome because it keeps unrolling from its spool thingy. I have lots of funny but Mommy got mad and now makes me wear this weird thing that covers me whenever we go outside. (Parents' note: We got Winston a raincoat because it has rained 11 inches in two weeks, he should thank us.)

Snarf everyone later,
/s/ Winston, Grand Duke of Pugsworth
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Today I hung out on the couch watching football - YAY SEAHAWKS!! (My mommy told me to write that, I don't know what a seahawk is but if mommy likes them, I probably like them).
I also paused from my napping and chewing on my toys and the blanket to pose for some pictures. Aren't I cute?
At first I tried to hide from Daddy when I saw the camera...
...but then I remembered that treats usually come with the camera, so I did some more posing.
Then Mommy and I read a paper for Daddy. Mommy said we had to make some marks on the paper with the pen. I wanted to chew on the paper instead, but Mommy said no.
So I tried to attack the pen.
Hi Daddy :) And hello to my many (3) fans!
snarf everyone later!!!
/s/ Winston, Grand Duke of Pugsworth