Yet Another Boo-boo
As you know, the life of a pug is a hard life. I have been beset by yet another unfortunate incident. This one was not too serious ... I broke my nail. However, the break was extremely high on the quick so it was necessary for the vet to remove the dangling portion. The upside (in my parent's view) was that I had to wear a soft cone.

This is me, looking thrilled as always at wearing the cone.

This is Cosette, taking advantage of my distressed state to harass me.


It's hard to see who looks more pathetic here, me or the stray. Cosette also has a hard life, there was this time three months ago when no one was paying attention to her. That moment has scarred her permanently.

The little
comfort I receive comes from my "guy" (the red
squeak toy). As you can see, it is Cosette's mission in life to take away the little happiness I have.

I was eventually able to escape to safety with my guy, but it was a close call.

This is the original cone picture from when I was a little lass. Notice my figure was less rotund?
Snarf you later,
/s/ Winston, the Grand Duke of Pugsworth