HAPPY BIRTHDAY COSETTE!!!Our baby girl is ONE today!! It's hard to believe but Duchess Cosette Colbert d'Bonapug is officially no longer a pup!

Here she is at 2 weeks old, the day we picked her out. We had no idea that kind of terror that was in store for us ... or Winston.

Here she is at 3 weeks old, her crazy personality already showing.

She was an expert snuggler as soon as we got her in the car at the breeder's house.

She quickly settled in with her new family as soon as we got her home. This is her's and Daddy's first make-out session. This disgusting spectacle occurs several times a day.

This is her first bath. She really likes baths, and it is a good thing because she always smells horrible. If anything, it has gotten worse with age.

This is her first dress. Isn't she PREEEE-TAY!!

This may not be what criminals have in mind when a cop yells "Come out or we'll send in the dog." It would be a good joke if they did send in our little Cosette (after the bad guy gave up).

She loved her first exposure to snow.

Her pretty little red dress.

Stealing Winston's crown!!

She is lucky she is so cute, or else she would have been in soooooooooooooo much trouble by now.
Happy birthday to our little girl!!!!
The Parents (and Winston)
Happy Birthday, Cossette!!! I also cannot believe you are a year old! This year has really flown by!
Happy Birthday Cossie! :) May you get lots of presents and bacon! :)
Happy Birthday, Cossette! We's glad to hear from you and Winston. We missed you!
Happy Belated Birthday, Cosette! You are so cute and sweet! I love your year wrap-up in pictures!
Love Clover xo
Happy Birthday Cossette!!
It looks like Winston has moved on and you are no longer 'the stray!'
Happy b-day Cossette! Great puppy pics, I forgot about the gerbil stage!
Aww what a cutie pie. Happy Birthday!
Happy Barkday, Cossette! A little late, but you'll have to blame the human with the computer.
You are so cute!
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