Monday, September 11, 2006

Pictures continued.
Mommy and Daddy dressed me up again, but this time I demanded treats (Thank you Duke and Gidget for suggesting this, I have determined that Duke must be the Duke of Pug wisdom...our very own Socrates).

I was not so angry this time.

I even managed to crack a little smile.

See why I'm not mad? That's a treat sticking out of the corner of my mouth!!

I am one good looking pug. Here, I am destroying the scent of some wimpy wolf look-alike dog that tried to eat Daddy's face the other day.

I stole Daddy's shoe. What can I do? They smell lots like him.

I am, however, an equal opportunity shoe thief. Here, I steal my own shoe.

I am really, really cute.

As I said, I am suffering from a disadvantaged upbringing. If you are counting, I only have immediate access to three pillows and two BFFs while sleeping on the bed. My life sucks.

/s/ Winston, Grand Duke of Pugsworth

1 comment:

Duke and Gidget said...

I am glad I could be of assistance. Just remember to save some of those treats for me!